With support from many women lawyers of different States in India, the Federation began its service activities. AIFWL jointly, with the National Legal Services Authority (i.e. “NALSA”) took up the cause of the girl child. In order to create awareness about the value of the girl child and the need to protect her needs and rights, AIFWL organized a Seminar on the ‘Girl Child’ at Chennai on 16th March 2008. The program was well attended, well received and extensively covered in the press and electronic media.
Responding to the plight of Women Workers in the night shifts, especially in Call Centres, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES), in the light of atrocities committed on them as highlighted by the press, AIFWL organized a seminar on "NIGHT SHIFT WOMEN WORKERS" in co-ordination with the National Women Commission at Bangalore on 16th September 2008. While there was vociferous participation from Women Activists, the Seminar brought some insights into the plight of working women, who are being harassed and exploited, at workplace. Many action-points were shared by the Speakers and Delegates with the Law makers and upholders of Law and the proceedings of the Seminar were sent to the Law Commission.
In the meantime, AIFWL encouraged formation of State Units and started having presence in several states of India. These Units in their respective States give programs as per the objects of the organization. Many programs are a joint effort with the Legal Services Authority and State Human Rights Commission. In November 2008, 20 women lawyers of AIFWL participated in the International Women Lawyers' Conference held in Milano, Italy and this was noticed by the Global Women Lawyers' Fraternity. FIDA, (International Federation of Women Lawyers), chose Advocate Sheela Anish, Founder President of AIFWL to be Executive Vice President of FIDA. She became the First Indian Woman Lawyer to be on the Board of FIDA.
AIFWL has thereafter organized National Conferences at Cochin in December 2009 under the Presidency of Advocate Mrs. V. P. Seemandini, at Hyderabad in January 2011 under the Presidency of Advocate Mrs. M. Bhaskara Lakshmi, at Chennai in January 2012 under the Presidency of Advocate Mrs. K. Santhakumari, at Mumbai in December 2013 under the Presidency of Advocate Mrs. IndrayaniPatani, at Ahmedabad in September 2017under the Presidency of Advocate Dr.AmeeYajnik and at Nasik in 2022 under the Presidency of Advocate Preeti Shah. AIFWL also supported the organization of FIDAthat held its International Conference at Bangalore in November 2014 under the leadership of its then President, Advocate Mrs. Sheela Anish. The FIDA Conference was a huge success with enormous participation from its members.
AIFWL presently has several State Units and direct members from all over the country. The State Units are affiliated to AIFWL and these Units conduct Regional Conferences / Seminars and activities, which include legal awareness at grassroot level and women empowerment programs for the welfare of women, both independently and also with assistance / guidance from the parent body.
It is AIFWL's endeavour to be a true representative of the aspirations and challenges faced by India’s Women Lawyers. As an affiliate of FIDA, AIFWL would like to further and promote Indian Women Lawyers on a Global Platform, the motto being “Think Global Act Local”.
The Federation continues to organize and actively participate in Conferences and Seminars touching the lives of and addressing need based issues pertaining to Women, especially Indian Women in general and Indian Women Lawyers in particular.
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